ER lets you record without bothering your neighbors.
Record in the dark! Turn that bright screen off at the concert or your kids christmas play. And you save battery life at the same time.
Apple Watch:
If you own an Apple Watch, you can start & stop video recording, audio recording and picture taking, remotely with the Apple Watch Remote Control.
What you get:
- Battery saving functions: record video or audio clips without using the video display to preserve battery life and not light up the surrounding area with your screen light.
- Great self-video recording options: Use ER to create a video “Lifebook” on the go without making anyone uncomfortable filming in public. Remember your videos are also more realistic without looking at yourself when taking video.
- Hands free recording: take a video, audio clip or a picture at a specified time and duration from the control center.
- Camera selections: choose to record from the front or rear camera of your iPhone from the control panel of your phone and Apple Watch. All recordings are saved in “My library” on the control panel.
ER is meant for use only as an option to the owner to utilize the full capabilities of there smart phones technology and equipment package in a non-harmful manner.
Follow all local laws when recording in public. Always get permission before recording anyone.